The Medieval Week in Numedal is not only for spectators. Here you can also learn traditional crafts. All courses are organized by “Møteplassen Snekkerbua” which is a center for crafts and culture, classes, meetings and social events. More information about the classes can be found on the workshop’s web pages:
Find your classes on the Web pages of the Medieval Workshop (click on the image) Plans for Medieval Workshop 24.-28. July 2017
- Building by ”lafting”: Steinar Berthelsen
- Bronze Casting: Endre Fodstad, Ronja Allum
- Iron bloomery: Tore Haug-Warberg, John B. Miller, Adam Thiele
- Blacksmith tools: John Gunnar Sætherbakken, Vegard Olsen
- Forging knife blades: Jan Løkseth
- Knife Courses: Halvor Næsset / Rollag Knivlag
- :Tracery by ”tæger”: Åsmund Berthelsen
- Lagge-course: Ole Refsahl
- Sewing a Viking dress: Astri Bryde
- Tablett/card weaving: Monica Hovdan (25-28 / 7)
- Bone flute: Stein Villa (Monday, 7/24)
- ”Sprang”-knitting: Bodil Knudsen Dago (25-28 / 7)